L’architettura delle boiserie come un viaggio nel tempo e nello stile

L’architettura delle boiserie come un viaggio nel tempo e nello stile

La boiserie è un elemento di design d’interni che ha una lunga storia e che non è mai passata di moda, evolvendosi nel tempo. La Boiserie consiste nel rivestimento murale fatto di legno e il termine deriva dalla parola francese “bois”, legno appunto. Questa tecnica ha origini che risalgono al Medioevo, ma ha raggiunto il […]

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Il minimalismo: essenzialità, leggerezza e funzionalità in architettura

Il minimalismo in architettura rappresenta molto più di una semplice tendenza estetica: incarna una filosofia progettuale che celebra l’essenzialità e la purezza delle forme. Questa corrente architettonica, le cui radici affondano nel movimento modernista del primo Novecento, si distingue per la capacità di creare spazi che respirano, liberi dal superfluo, dove ogni elemento assume un […]

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Decorative coverings to personalize the home

  Oversized geometries, trendy palettes: this is how contemporary interiors aim to personalize the interiors with decorative coverings - wallpaper, fabric or ceramic - with a strong decorative impact.   A unique choice The reason is simple: the decorative covering is an element that strongly characterizes an environment. And it does so in a radical [...]
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Rivestimenti decorativi per la casa

Decorative coverings to personalize the home

  Oversized geometries, trendy palettes: this is how contemporary interiors aim to personalize the interiors with decorative coverings - wallpaper, fabric or ceramic - with a strong decorative impact.   A unique choice The reason is simple: the decorative covering is an element that strongly characterizes an environment. And it does so in a radical [...]
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Il fascino del design scandinavo

Collaredi: The charm of Scandinavian design

  From the 70s onwards, when Scandinavian design from Northern Europe conquered Italy, its charm has never waned.   Essential, sober and bright With perfect geometry and linearity, Nordic design is characterized by a simple and linear style, the use of natural materials, clean lines, textures of quality materials and essential and functional shapes. There [...]
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wellness domestico nella stanza da bagno - Architetto Cristina Colla

Collaredi: Home wellness in the bathroom

  In our most recent creations, leading attention is paid to the bathroom. And the brands we offer in many of the Atelier's projects fully satisfy the expectations and desires of our most demanding customers. What was classified as a "toilet" throughout the twentieth century has in fact become one of the focal points of [...]
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Ristrutturazione della mansarda di Milena e Franco ad Alessandria, Architetto e Interior Designer Cristina Colla

Milena and Franco’s attic on the rooftops of the city

  An attic with a terrace overlooking the rooftops of the city and the bell tower of Alexandria Cathedral. It is the retreat home of a couple very busy with work, he an entrepreneur, she the sales manager of an international brand. A cozy place to come back to relax and always feel at ease. [...]
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  Sustainability is a word we hear more and more often, used by companies and people to emphasize the need to consume less and better to respect the environment and the planet. Everyone of us has made more sustainable choices in our lifestyles in recent times, some more, some less: from not using plastic bottles, [...]
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Alessandria, interior design Temporary Home

Temporary Home, Alessandria

  A temporary apartment that has the understated and elegant style signature of Atelier. A small loft on two levels, the attic has an easy and young style. It is a bright space, thanks to the choice of materials and colors, designed with the utmost attention to comfort and details, functional and essential basic furniture [...]
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Alessandria, ristrutturazione villa storica - Architetto Interior Design

Alessandria, renovation of a historic mansion

  Atelier was commissioned to design an outdoor veranda, a covered patio adjacent to the side of the villa facing the pool. The goal is to create a filter between the inside and the outside: between the kitchen, where food is prepared, and the garden with the swimming pool where one can pause from spring [...]
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